
Admission Procedure

50% students are admitted from the Government Merit list (LBS) & 50% from the Merit list of AMCSFNCK (Association of the Managements of Christian Self Financing Nursing Colleges of Kerala)

Admission Requirements

Applicants should complete 17 years on or before 31st December. The maximum age limit for admission shall be 35 years. No relaxation of age will be allowed. As per norms of Kerala University of Health Science (KUHS) for admission for B.Sc. Nursing, the minimum educational requirements shall be the passing of : Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (12 years course), Or Senior School Certificate Examination(10+2), Pre-Degree Examination (10+2), Or An equivalent with 12 years schooling from a recognized board or university with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and English with minimum of 50% aggregate marks. Candidate should be medically fit.

Nirmala College of Nursing

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